Countdown: 50 days till my 22nd birthday, 54 days till my baby shower, 82
days till baby arrives!
I have been lagging in my blog updates, but so much has happened in the last week that I just haven't had the time.
I'm back home with my family, finally!! The week we spent together in DC was amazing and I wouldn't have had it any other way. The weather was beautiful and we were able to spend some quality time together as a family...something we hadn't done in a really long time.
My parents arrived on Saturday, the day before my graduation. The next day was Mother's Day and my college graduation. It was so surreal to be leaving the place I had spent the last four years of my life. I am proud to officially call myself an American University alum. This past semester was by far, the most stressful of my college career but I managed to make it through and get that Bachelor's degree. After the ceremony, we went out for lunch at Le Chat Noir, a little French restaurant close to my apartment. Food was delicious and we all had a great time together! At the end, my mom and I were given our Mother's Day first little Mother's day flower!
The rest of the week, my parents and brother would usually go out during the day while I worked and then would come to DC for dinner at my apartment or a restaurant. Wednesday night, we got together with David and his mom (Christine) and had an amazing time! We went out to dinner and then hung out in old town Alexandria. It was the first time we were all able to meet and while I was pretty nervous about the whole thing, I was so happy it went exceptionally well.
Thursday was the parent's reception at Sequoia for all the commissioning seniors in the Hoya Battalion. It was crazy to think that after spending 4 long years with all these amazing individuals, it was all coming to an end. The great part about it is that the Army is a small world and we are all bound to run into each other again at one point or another. My parents were happy to have been able to meet all the other parents and my fellow cadet friends after having heard so much about all of them over the years. After the reception, we walked the Georgetown waterfront, took tons of pictures and sat by the water. My blood pressure dropped enormously while we were there and I had to go home and rest. I nearly passed out on the sidewalk...not a good feeling.

The drive was long, but I drove most of the way, so it helped pass the time. We made it back home around 9pm and promptly went to bed. The cats were sooo happy to see us! Little Remy seemed like he was definitely planning on holding a grudge but Benny was beyond happy to be reunited with his humans. Coming back was so felt like I had never left. To be honest, it also STILL hasn't hit me that I won't be least not for a while. I haven't lived at home longer than about a month in the last 4 years so living here for almost a year will definitely be weird for me.
Saturday - 28 weeks!! I spent the whole day unloading a Uhaul, unpacking my stuff, sorting through baby clothes and organizing the baby/my room. I was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day, but I got a lot accomplished so more power to me! Pics of the room to come!
How far along: 28
weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 11 lbs
Maternity clothes?: Yep! Bought some more shorts and capris from Motherhood Maternity on 3 get 1 free!
Stretch marks?: Still nothing, phew!
Belly button, in or out?: Out out out
Sleep: Pretty good...although I had 3 hours of excruciating heartburn at 2am the other night. Worst. feeling. ever. While I laid awake suffering, the palms of my hands and feet started to itch like crazy. Needless to say, it was a bad night.
Cravings: Cottage cheese...
Showing yet?: Yup!
Happy or Moody?: Happy! I'm back at home and finally am able to relax!
Movement: All the time, so when I don't feel him I start to get a little nervous..
Best moment this week: Being back home!
Things I miss: DC...and the people there...
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: the birthing class I'm taking in June & my baby shower!
Due Date: August 11th
Total weight gain: 11 lbs
Maternity clothes?: Yep! Bought some more shorts and capris from Motherhood Maternity on 3 get 1 free!
Stretch marks?: Still nothing, phew!
Belly button, in or out?: Out out out
Sleep: Pretty good...although I had 3 hours of excruciating heartburn at 2am the other night. Worst. feeling. ever. While I laid awake suffering, the palms of my hands and feet started to itch like crazy. Needless to say, it was a bad night.
Cravings: Cottage cheese...
Showing yet?: Yup!
Happy or Moody?: Happy! I'm back at home and finally am able to relax!
Movement: All the time, so when I don't feel him I start to get a little nervous..
Best moment this week: Being back home!
Things I miss: DC...and the people there...
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: the birthing class I'm taking in June & my baby shower!
Due Date: August 11th
How your baby's growing:
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage)
and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can
blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing,
she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb.
She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more
body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
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