Countdown: 18 days till baby Michael arrives!
How far along: 37 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: At last week's appt, the total weight gain was still at 19 lbs. I have another appt tomorrow, so I'm hoping there's some weight gained so I know that little Michael is growing!

Total weight gain: At last week's appt, the total weight gain was still at 19 lbs. I have another appt tomorrow, so I'm hoping there's some weight gained so I know that little Michael is growing!
Maternity clothes?: Yup, but mostly maxi sun dresses; nothing is really comfy anymore.
Stretch marks?: Nada. Fingers crossed that it stays that way!
Belly button, in or out?: Outie
Sleep: Sleeping is surprisingly more comfortable since baby dropped; breathing is definitely easier. Rolling over is a little painful for my pelvic bones and I still wake up at least 3 times throughout the night to go pee. Annoying.
Cravings: Cherries - thank goodness for the recent fruit least those kinds are healthy!
Showing yet?: No matter what people tell me about "looking so small!" I feel enormous.
Happy or Moody?: Happy/Impatient - I know Michael will be here so soon and I can't wait to lay eyes on him!
Belly button, in or out?: Outie
Sleep: Sleeping is surprisingly more comfortable since baby dropped; breathing is definitely easier. Rolling over is a little painful for my pelvic bones and I still wake up at least 3 times throughout the night to go pee. Annoying.
Cravings: Cherries - thank goodness for the recent fruit least those kinds are healthy!
Showing yet?: No matter what people tell me about "looking so small!" I feel enormous.
Happy or Moody?: Happy/Impatient - I know Michael will be here so soon and I can't wait to lay eyes on him!
Movement: He's moving more than ever it seems; I think he's tired of being upside down.
Best moment this week: The cool weather! After a few weeks of 100% humidity at 95+ degrees, cooling off with some rain and 70s weather was amazing.
Things I miss: Shopping for and wearing cute summer I just watch my mom do that. More motivation to lose the baby weight as soon as he's born!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: The day my little prince makes his grand entrance (or exit, depending on how you look at it)
Due Date: August 11th
Delivery day is definitely approaching. I can feel it. Yesterday is what I think was the beginnings of pre-labor. I started getting some really bad lower back pain and cramping (feels like period cramps), and some pretty strong Braxton Hicks contractions. After noticing that they were more frequent than usual, I started to time them. They were getting closer and closer together and in 1 hour, I counted 8 contractions. While I was starting to get excited that maybe something was happening, my body and my mind didn't really feel any sense of urgency. I wasn't panicking, I wasn't in severe pain, I kinda just laid there, relaxed and accepted what was happening. It was weird. So of course, I went online, did some research and I'm pretty confident that pre-labor has begun. The only symptoms I haven't specifically noticed are the loss of the mucus plug (gross!) and obviously my water breaking. At this point, my body is just preparing itself for the real thing which will hopefully take place within the next week. While all of this was happening, my family and I were at a friend's place celebrating 2 birthdays. There was a nice pool, so thankfully I was able to sit in there and relax a bit while all of this was happening. Everyone was getting excited that maybe I was going into real labor, but no such luck.
When we got home later that evening, my mom and I went into a panic trying to pack the remainder of the "necessary items" into my hospital bag(s) just in case I went into actual labor later on that night. Thankfully, I also live about 10 minutes from the hospital so someone can always go back and get something if I forget it. Throughout the night I was still cramping, had some back pain and felt nauseous. (all typical signs of prelabor) As I said earlier, I really think that this may be the week, and if not, then definitely next week. Woo! Now I think would probably be a good time to let my job know that I shouldn't/can't really work anymore...
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel, like a stalk of Swiss Chard. Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Best moment this week: The cool weather! After a few weeks of 100% humidity at 95+ degrees, cooling off with some rain and 70s weather was amazing.
Things I miss: Shopping for and wearing cute summer I just watch my mom do that. More motivation to lose the baby weight as soon as he's born!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: The day my little prince makes his grand entrance (or exit, depending on how you look at it)
Due Date: August 11th
Delivery day is definitely approaching. I can feel it. Yesterday is what I think was the beginnings of pre-labor. I started getting some really bad lower back pain and cramping (feels like period cramps), and some pretty strong Braxton Hicks contractions. After noticing that they were more frequent than usual, I started to time them. They were getting closer and closer together and in 1 hour, I counted 8 contractions. While I was starting to get excited that maybe something was happening, my body and my mind didn't really feel any sense of urgency. I wasn't panicking, I wasn't in severe pain, I kinda just laid there, relaxed and accepted what was happening. It was weird. So of course, I went online, did some research and I'm pretty confident that pre-labor has begun. The only symptoms I haven't specifically noticed are the loss of the mucus plug (gross!) and obviously my water breaking. At this point, my body is just preparing itself for the real thing which will hopefully take place within the next week. While all of this was happening, my family and I were at a friend's place celebrating 2 birthdays. There was a nice pool, so thankfully I was able to sit in there and relax a bit while all of this was happening. Everyone was getting excited that maybe I was going into real labor, but no such luck.
When we got home later that evening, my mom and I went into a panic trying to pack the remainder of the "necessary items" into my hospital bag(s) just in case I went into actual labor later on that night. Thankfully, I also live about 10 minutes from the hospital so someone can always go back and get something if I forget it. Throughout the night I was still cramping, had some back pain and felt nauseous. (all typical signs of prelabor) As I said earlier, I really think that this may be the week, and if not, then definitely next week. Woo! Now I think would probably be a good time to let my job know that I shouldn't/can't really work anymore...
How your baby's growing:
Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)

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