So other than complaining about pregnancy and waiting for Michael to make his debut, I've been doing some other random things: picking out birth announcements, shopping for baby clothes, reading a book on the first year and sending out thank you cards.
Birth announcements: I figure I might as well pick out the card format now because I probably won't have the time or energy to do it once M is born. is amazing for this kind of thing. My baby shower invites were also from this site and they were beautiful! I decided that M's pic on the announcement has to be extra cute so he should def. wear a little hat or bonnet or something. I looked online for some ideas, and this one is just TOO CUTE! I may have to splurge and get it.
Baby clothes: Every time my mom and I walk into any kind of baby store, we obviously have to look at all the teeny outfits. A lot of them were just way too cute to pass up. These little outfits are sized for the winter time and are fleece to keep him nice and warm. The little brown zip up on the left has little ears on the hood! So cute!
Book on 1st year: While I really like the "What to Expect" books (I have What to Expect When You're Expecting, What to Eat When You're Expecting, and What to Expect the First Year), I didn't find the first year book extremely helpful. I also find it difficult to read informational type books that don't have diagrams or pictures. I found Mayo Clinic's book "Guide to Your Baby's First Year" at Babies R Us and loved it. It covers absolutely EVERYTHING you could possibly want to know about things to expect and know during the first year of baby's life, including all sorts of different illnesses. I haven't finished it yet, but it reads really easily and is very helpful. I definitely recommend it.
I've been meaning to post about what I have packed in my hospital bag, I'll definitely do that next. I also wanted to write a little blurb about Mustela products. Love!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Week 38 - 2 weeks to go!
Countdown: 11 days till baby Michael arrives! (1 week, 4 days, 3 hours, 20 minutes, 3 seconds) - but who's counting?
How far along: 38 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: Well I gained another 2 lbs - which, according to my midwife, went pretty much straight to Michael. I feel better knowing that he's definitely growing. Now my total weight gain is at 21 pounds..not too bad. I'd really like to cap the weight gain at 25 lbs, nothing more!

Total weight gain: Well I gained another 2 lbs - which, according to my midwife, went pretty much straight to Michael. I feel better knowing that he's definitely growing. Now my total weight gain is at 21 pounds..not too bad. I'd really like to cap the weight gain at 25 lbs, nothing more!
Maternity clothes?: Yea...barely.
Stretch marks?: Nothing!
Belly button, in or out?: Out. I can't wait to have an innie again.
Sleep: While sleep is definitely more comfortable, I never feel totally rested as I still wake up every 2 hours to pee. Definitely my body training me for when Michael gets here and is feeding all night. So that's a good thing and a bad thing. I just take naps to make up for the lack of sleep at night.
Cravings: Peaches! My mom gets these amazing Georgia peaches from the local town market and they are AMAZING. I could eat those things ALL day. Yum!
Showing yet?: Some lady at the market said - "Any day now, any day!" ...Lady, I sure hope so. So yes, I'm definitely showing.
Happy or Moody?: Happy, yet tired, impatient and sore. Come on Michael!!!
Belly button, in or out?: Out. I can't wait to have an innie again.
Sleep: While sleep is definitely more comfortable, I never feel totally rested as I still wake up every 2 hours to pee. Definitely my body training me for when Michael gets here and is feeding all night. So that's a good thing and a bad thing. I just take naps to make up for the lack of sleep at night.
Cravings: Peaches! My mom gets these amazing Georgia peaches from the local town market and they are AMAZING. I could eat those things ALL day. Yum!
Showing yet?: Some lady at the market said - "Any day now, any day!" ...Lady, I sure hope so. So yes, I'm definitely showing.
Happy or Moody?: Happy, yet tired, impatient and sore. Come on Michael!!!
Movement: He moves allllll dayyy longgg. Recently he's been really big on kicking me right under the ribs which is actually quite painful and kind of knocks the wind out of me. Ouch!
Best moment this week: Being told by my midwife that I was progressing really well and DDay should be real soon, and that little Michael gained some weight and is around 6 or 6.5 lbs!
Things I miss: Never thought I'd say this, but I really miss working out and running. All I want to do is get back into shape and I can't until this little guy pops out. Hopefully I still have this desperate motivation after he's born.
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: Meeting Michael David!
Due Date: August 11th
Best moment this week: Being told by my midwife that I was progressing really well and DDay should be real soon, and that little Michael gained some weight and is around 6 or 6.5 lbs!
Things I miss: Never thought I'd say this, but I really miss working out and running. All I want to do is get back into shape and I can't until this little guy pops out. Hopefully I still have this desperate motivation after he's born.
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: Meeting Michael David!
Due Date: August 11th
Now I can officially start updating about my labor progression: As of last Tuesday, I am 1.5ish cm dilated and 40% effaced. I apparently have a very soft cervix (a good thing) and Michael's head is all the way down and pretty much has me completely corked which just means that it might be a little harder for my water to break and the doctor may end up having to do it. What does all of this mean? Michael seems to be ready to come out and my body is well on its way to helping him get out. Unfortunately, it could end up being a really slow and drawn out process. All week I've been crampy, had pretty bad lower back cramping/pain and strong BH contractions. But it's all a big tease as nothing has been severe enough to warrant going to the doctor or hospital.
In order to perhaps help the process along, I go for a walk around the block every night (about 1/2 mile), have eaten spicy-ish and curry foods, bounce on my yoga ball for what seems like hours, jump up and down, drink tons of water, jog in place, do squats...all to no avail. I even looked up the castor oil trick - yuck! I would never try that...induces vomiting and diarrhea with no guarantee of putting you into labor. Definitely not worth it to me.
I feel so ready to give birth. I'm a little tired of being pregnant. Every time I walk it feels like someone is kicking me in the crotch bone, so sore! I'm constantly having BH contractions, constantly peeing, and feel like I have period cramps. I also must admit that I've been a little more moody recently which I'm just going to blame on my being annoyed and frustrated with the fact that I'm still pregnant.I feel like all of this is pretty typical of a woman who is pregnant in July. As much as I complain about all the symptoms, I really shouldn't. I've been blessed with a really healthy and easy pregnancy and apparently Michael just needs a little more cooking time!
My next appointment is on Thurs. I'm hoping that I'll never make it to that appointment, full moon on Aug 2! :) And if I do, the doctor better tell me that birth is imminent!

How your baby's growing:
Your baby has really plumped up. She weighs about 6.8 pounds and she's over 19 1/2 inches long (like a leek). She has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test when you hold her hand for the first time! Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb.
Wondering what color your baby's eyes will be? You may not be able to tell right away. If she's born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If she's born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown by the time she's 9 months old. That's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)
Monday, July 23, 2012
Week 37 - 3 weeks to go!
Countdown: 18 days till baby Michael arrives!
How far along: 37 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: At last week's appt, the total weight gain was still at 19 lbs. I have another appt tomorrow, so I'm hoping there's some weight gained so I know that little Michael is growing!

Total weight gain: At last week's appt, the total weight gain was still at 19 lbs. I have another appt tomorrow, so I'm hoping there's some weight gained so I know that little Michael is growing!
Maternity clothes?: Yup, but mostly maxi sun dresses; nothing is really comfy anymore.
Stretch marks?: Nada. Fingers crossed that it stays that way!
Belly button, in or out?: Outie
Sleep: Sleeping is surprisingly more comfortable since baby dropped; breathing is definitely easier. Rolling over is a little painful for my pelvic bones and I still wake up at least 3 times throughout the night to go pee. Annoying.
Cravings: Cherries - thank goodness for the recent fruit least those kinds are healthy!
Showing yet?: No matter what people tell me about "looking so small!" I feel enormous.
Happy or Moody?: Happy/Impatient - I know Michael will be here so soon and I can't wait to lay eyes on him!
Belly button, in or out?: Outie
Sleep: Sleeping is surprisingly more comfortable since baby dropped; breathing is definitely easier. Rolling over is a little painful for my pelvic bones and I still wake up at least 3 times throughout the night to go pee. Annoying.
Cravings: Cherries - thank goodness for the recent fruit least those kinds are healthy!
Showing yet?: No matter what people tell me about "looking so small!" I feel enormous.
Happy or Moody?: Happy/Impatient - I know Michael will be here so soon and I can't wait to lay eyes on him!
Movement: He's moving more than ever it seems; I think he's tired of being upside down.
Best moment this week: The cool weather! After a few weeks of 100% humidity at 95+ degrees, cooling off with some rain and 70s weather was amazing.
Things I miss: Shopping for and wearing cute summer I just watch my mom do that. More motivation to lose the baby weight as soon as he's born!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: The day my little prince makes his grand entrance (or exit, depending on how you look at it)
Due Date: August 11th
Delivery day is definitely approaching. I can feel it. Yesterday is what I think was the beginnings of pre-labor. I started getting some really bad lower back pain and cramping (feels like period cramps), and some pretty strong Braxton Hicks contractions. After noticing that they were more frequent than usual, I started to time them. They were getting closer and closer together and in 1 hour, I counted 8 contractions. While I was starting to get excited that maybe something was happening, my body and my mind didn't really feel any sense of urgency. I wasn't panicking, I wasn't in severe pain, I kinda just laid there, relaxed and accepted what was happening. It was weird. So of course, I went online, did some research and I'm pretty confident that pre-labor has begun. The only symptoms I haven't specifically noticed are the loss of the mucus plug (gross!) and obviously my water breaking. At this point, my body is just preparing itself for the real thing which will hopefully take place within the next week. While all of this was happening, my family and I were at a friend's place celebrating 2 birthdays. There was a nice pool, so thankfully I was able to sit in there and relax a bit while all of this was happening. Everyone was getting excited that maybe I was going into real labor, but no such luck.
When we got home later that evening, my mom and I went into a panic trying to pack the remainder of the "necessary items" into my hospital bag(s) just in case I went into actual labor later on that night. Thankfully, I also live about 10 minutes from the hospital so someone can always go back and get something if I forget it. Throughout the night I was still cramping, had some back pain and felt nauseous. (all typical signs of prelabor) As I said earlier, I really think that this may be the week, and if not, then definitely next week. Woo! Now I think would probably be a good time to let my job know that I shouldn't/can't really work anymore...
Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel, like a stalk of Swiss Chard. Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.
Best moment this week: The cool weather! After a few weeks of 100% humidity at 95+ degrees, cooling off with some rain and 70s weather was amazing.
Things I miss: Shopping for and wearing cute summer I just watch my mom do that. More motivation to lose the baby weight as soon as he's born!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: The day my little prince makes his grand entrance (or exit, depending on how you look at it)
Due Date: August 11th
Delivery day is definitely approaching. I can feel it. Yesterday is what I think was the beginnings of pre-labor. I started getting some really bad lower back pain and cramping (feels like period cramps), and some pretty strong Braxton Hicks contractions. After noticing that they were more frequent than usual, I started to time them. They were getting closer and closer together and in 1 hour, I counted 8 contractions. While I was starting to get excited that maybe something was happening, my body and my mind didn't really feel any sense of urgency. I wasn't panicking, I wasn't in severe pain, I kinda just laid there, relaxed and accepted what was happening. It was weird. So of course, I went online, did some research and I'm pretty confident that pre-labor has begun. The only symptoms I haven't specifically noticed are the loss of the mucus plug (gross!) and obviously my water breaking. At this point, my body is just preparing itself for the real thing which will hopefully take place within the next week. While all of this was happening, my family and I were at a friend's place celebrating 2 birthdays. There was a nice pool, so thankfully I was able to sit in there and relax a bit while all of this was happening. Everyone was getting excited that maybe I was going into real labor, but no such luck.
When we got home later that evening, my mom and I went into a panic trying to pack the remainder of the "necessary items" into my hospital bag(s) just in case I went into actual labor later on that night. Thankfully, I also live about 10 minutes from the hospital so someone can always go back and get something if I forget it. Throughout the night I was still cramping, had some back pain and felt nauseous. (all typical signs of prelabor) As I said earlier, I really think that this may be the week, and if not, then definitely next week. Woo! Now I think would probably be a good time to let my job know that I shouldn't/can't really work anymore...
How your baby's growing:
Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)

Friday, July 20, 2012
Updates & Pediatricians
- I had my 36 week appointment on Tuesday and while I haven't gained any weight - still standing at 19 lbs total weight gained - Michael is also quite small. According to the midwife's measurements, which I'm sure aren't 100% accurate, he's probably just a little over 5 lbs. She thinks he'll definitely be on the smaller side. As long as he's a healthy baby, I don't care what size he is! (Although I really hope he doesn't have a growth spurt and become a 9 pounder) Next appointment is this Tuesday, hopefully Michael will have gained some weight and hopefully I will have made some progress in the effacement & dilation process...gross I know.
- I received and unpacked my (Michael's) carseat! It's awesome and I'm so excited to take him home in it! I have the Graco Snap n Go stroller frame which works out perfectly for it. It's quite handy for quick outings or shopping. The other, more awesome stroller will be for longer outings and walks when he is a little bigger/older.
Wednesday night I had my first pediatrician interview with a doctor whose practice is about 15 minutes away. They have 3 doctors on staff and one nurse practitioner who is also a lactation consultant. It was a group information session so there were about 5 other expectant couples there but they were all super nice and one of them was actually in my birthing class a couple weeks ago.
From that night, I learned a few things about what topics should be discussed with the potential pediatrician:
- Vaccination schedule - how aggressive the doctor's are about vaccinations
- Antibiotics & homeopathy - how the doctor feels about using antibiotics in some situations and homeopathy in others; whether or not they constantly push for artificial remedies
- Accessibility - how soon your child can be seen in case of illness; walk in hours; emergencies; doctor availability etc.
- Respect - whether the doctor is willing to work with parents and respect their particular wishes when it comes to healthcare, all within reason and still while promoting the best interest of the child
- Affiliation - which hospital the doctor is affiliated with so he/she can perform the first infant evaluation after birth; in case child is hospitalized during childhood, the doctor can easily enter and provide care for him/her
- Personality & approachability - whether the doctor is someone you feel comfortable interacting with, expressing concern to, standing up to (if necessary) and feel comfortable entrusting your child's care to
- Location - parking, accessibility, distance from home - all important things to consider
I really liked the pediatrician I met, but I have 2 more potential doctors to meet with, one this wednesday night, so we'll see who ends up being my baby's doctor :)
- I had my 36 week appointment on Tuesday and while I haven't gained any weight - still standing at 19 lbs total weight gained - Michael is also quite small. According to the midwife's measurements, which I'm sure aren't 100% accurate, he's probably just a little over 5 lbs. She thinks he'll definitely be on the smaller side. As long as he's a healthy baby, I don't care what size he is! (Although I really hope he doesn't have a growth spurt and become a 9 pounder) Next appointment is this Tuesday, hopefully Michael will have gained some weight and hopefully I will have made some progress in the effacement & dilation process...gross I know.
- I received and unpacked my (Michael's) carseat! It's awesome and I'm so excited to take him home in it! I have the Graco Snap n Go stroller frame which works out perfectly for it. It's quite handy for quick outings or shopping. The other, more awesome stroller will be for longer outings and walks when he is a little bigger/older.
Wednesday night I had my first pediatrician interview with a doctor whose practice is about 15 minutes away. They have 3 doctors on staff and one nurse practitioner who is also a lactation consultant. It was a group information session so there were about 5 other expectant couples there but they were all super nice and one of them was actually in my birthing class a couple weeks ago.
From that night, I learned a few things about what topics should be discussed with the potential pediatrician:
- Vaccination schedule - how aggressive the doctor's are about vaccinations
- Antibiotics & homeopathy - how the doctor feels about using antibiotics in some situations and homeopathy in others; whether or not they constantly push for artificial remedies
- Accessibility - how soon your child can be seen in case of illness; walk in hours; emergencies; doctor availability etc.
- Respect - whether the doctor is willing to work with parents and respect their particular wishes when it comes to healthcare, all within reason and still while promoting the best interest of the child
- Affiliation - which hospital the doctor is affiliated with so he/she can perform the first infant evaluation after birth; in case child is hospitalized during childhood, the doctor can easily enter and provide care for him/her
- Personality & approachability - whether the doctor is someone you feel comfortable interacting with, expressing concern to, standing up to (if necessary) and feel comfortable entrusting your child's care to
- Location - parking, accessibility, distance from home - all important things to consider
I really liked the pediatrician I met, but I have 2 more potential doctors to meet with, one this wednesday night, so we'll see who ends up being my baby's doctor :)
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Diaper Bag
These next few weeks are going to be a long waiting game, so I'll most likely be updating about random and possibly mundane things to occupy my time.
Today's topic - the "going home diaper bag".
Based on all the reading I've done online, a diaper bag isn't really necessary when bringing home baby, mostly because the hospital will give you everything you need (excluding the carseat and going-home outfit). I of course, have ignored everything I read and decided that I will still pack a diaper bag, albeit a mini diaper bag with things that I think could be useful or necessary - just in case. I definitely think this could be a slippery slope for me...I've always been an over-packer specifically because I always think, "just in case!".
Below is a picture of my already packed "going home diaper bag" and each item that I have inside of it. Yes, I looked online for each one to get a picture of the exact item...again, I'm 36.5 weeks and pregnancy is starting to get old.
1. First Impressions Baby Diaper Bag (Blue) - This awesome mini diaper bag can be found here. It is most likely too small to be used on a daily basis, but for the first day coming home from the hospital, it is just perfect. It's got 7 pockets and a changing pad and is easily wiped clean.
2. Earth's Best Newborn Diapers - I know people have personal preference when it comes to diapers, but since I'm a first time mom and have no idea what works and what doesn't, I chose these. Everyone says the hospital gives you plenty, but again, I chose to pack a few...just in case.
3. Graco Snugride 35 (Bermuda) - While this obviously won't fit inside your diaper bag, baby can't come home without one. I chose this particular one because the ratings for it on Babycenter and a couple of other sites, put it at number 1 for infant carseats. It can be found at Babies R Us, here.
4. Nuk Soft Orthostar Advanced Orthodontic Silicone Pacifier - Again, I looked up and compared different types of pacifiers and this one had some pretty good reviews. I bought a few different brands to see what Michael likes best, but I decided to pack these guys for the hospital. They can also be found at Babies R Us.
5. Carter's Fall Cuddle Receiving Blanket - The exact 2 pack I received can be found here on Amazon. They are super soft and snuggly and are a good size (I think) and are also thin enough to be good summer receiving blankets.
6. Koala Baby Pacifier Holder - My friend Ariel suggested this as a diaper bag essential so I decided to get one (actually, she got it for me for my shower!) It's cute and convenient. Can be found here.
7. Organic Cotton Mittens - These are apparently a must for little newborns since their nails are like claws when they first come out, and they feel the need to grab at their face. I packed a pair for his going home outfit.
8. Boudreaux's Butt Paste - This got some great reviews online and Grandma Mimi (who is also an L&D nurse) raved about it. I received some in a game basket at my shower and decided it would be perfect for his diaper bag. Sold here.
9. Baby's Going Home Outfit - While it is kind of plain looking, I decided his going home outfit should be cute but mainly comfortable. He's got a little blue and white striped onesie, little blue bloomer shorts, white mittens, a blue hat, little blue puppy booties (in case his toes get cold even though its 100 degrees out) and his little lamb snuggle buddy that Grandma Mamie got him. He's going to look perfect in it :)
24 days and counting!!
Today's topic - the "going home diaper bag".
Based on all the reading I've done online, a diaper bag isn't really necessary when bringing home baby, mostly because the hospital will give you everything you need (excluding the carseat and going-home outfit). I of course, have ignored everything I read and decided that I will still pack a diaper bag, albeit a mini diaper bag with things that I think could be useful or necessary - just in case. I definitely think this could be a slippery slope for me...I've always been an over-packer specifically because I always think, "just in case!".
Below is a picture of my already packed "going home diaper bag" and each item that I have inside of it. Yes, I looked online for each one to get a picture of the exact item...again, I'm 36.5 weeks and pregnancy is starting to get old.
1. First Impressions Baby Diaper Bag (Blue) - This awesome mini diaper bag can be found here. It is most likely too small to be used on a daily basis, but for the first day coming home from the hospital, it is just perfect. It's got 7 pockets and a changing pad and is easily wiped clean.
2. Earth's Best Newborn Diapers - I know people have personal preference when it comes to diapers, but since I'm a first time mom and have no idea what works and what doesn't, I chose these. Everyone says the hospital gives you plenty, but again, I chose to pack a few...just in case.
3. Graco Snugride 35 (Bermuda) - While this obviously won't fit inside your diaper bag, baby can't come home without one. I chose this particular one because the ratings for it on Babycenter and a couple of other sites, put it at number 1 for infant carseats. It can be found at Babies R Us, here.
4. Nuk Soft Orthostar Advanced Orthodontic Silicone Pacifier - Again, I looked up and compared different types of pacifiers and this one had some pretty good reviews. I bought a few different brands to see what Michael likes best, but I decided to pack these guys for the hospital. They can also be found at Babies R Us.
5. Carter's Fall Cuddle Receiving Blanket - The exact 2 pack I received can be found here on Amazon. They are super soft and snuggly and are a good size (I think) and are also thin enough to be good summer receiving blankets.
6. Koala Baby Pacifier Holder - My friend Ariel suggested this as a diaper bag essential so I decided to get one (actually, she got it for me for my shower!) It's cute and convenient. Can be found here.
7. Organic Cotton Mittens - These are apparently a must for little newborns since their nails are like claws when they first come out, and they feel the need to grab at their face. I packed a pair for his going home outfit.
8. Boudreaux's Butt Paste - This got some great reviews online and Grandma Mimi (who is also an L&D nurse) raved about it. I received some in a game basket at my shower and decided it would be perfect for his diaper bag. Sold here.
9. Baby's Going Home Outfit - While it is kind of plain looking, I decided his going home outfit should be cute but mainly comfortable. He's got a little blue and white striped onesie, little blue bloomer shorts, white mittens, a blue hat, little blue puppy booties (in case his toes get cold even though its 100 degrees out) and his little lamb snuggle buddy that Grandma Mamie got him. He's going to look perfect in it :)
24 days and counting!!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Week 36 - 4 weeks to go!
It’s the 9th
26 days till baby Michael arrives!
How far along: 36
weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 19 lbs so far, I’ll get the weight update on Tuesday at this week’s doctor’s appointment! Hopefully it’s not too much because I feel increasingly enormous.
Total weight gain: 19 lbs so far, I’ll get the weight update on Tuesday at this week’s doctor’s appointment! Hopefully it’s not too much because I feel increasingly enormous.
Maternity clothes?: Yea,
but even those are fitting pretty snugly now.
Stretch marks?: Still
nothing, thank God!! I’m hoping these last few growing weeks are good to me and
don’t induce any stretching.
Belly button, in or out?: Out
Sleep: Still waking up every 2 hours to pee, sleeping in is no longer really an option. No matter how much I want to sleep in, I still wake up around 7. I definitely just need to start napping.
Cravings: Watermelon is the recent one..but nothing crazy.
Showing yet?: Yep. I’m huge and there’s no hiding it. I got my first, “you look like you’re ready to pop” this week.
Happy or Moody?: SO happy! I just had the most amazing week/ weekend yet! I’m so sad it went by so quickly.
Belly button, in or out?: Out
Sleep: Still waking up every 2 hours to pee, sleeping in is no longer really an option. No matter how much I want to sleep in, I still wake up around 7. I definitely just need to start napping.
Cravings: Watermelon is the recent one..but nothing crazy.
Showing yet?: Yep. I’m huge and there’s no hiding it. I got my first, “you look like you’re ready to pop” this week.
Happy or Moody?: SO happy! I just had the most amazing week/ weekend yet! I’m so sad it went by so quickly.
Movement: I am definitely carrying
a soccer player around. He also seems to like water since he always moves extra
when I’m in the shower or pool.
Best moment this week: Having all my best friends in town with me & celebrating my baby shower!
Things I miss: My friends and new family. I’m so sad everyone had to leave and I miss them already!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: The day Michael arrives!
Due Date: August 11th
Best moment this week: Having all my best friends in town with me & celebrating my baby shower!
Things I miss: My friends and new family. I’m so sad everyone had to leave and I miss them already!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: The day Michael arrives!
Due Date: August 11th
This week was quite eventful, but so far it has been one of
the most memorable and special weeks of my life. I’ll start off with pregnancy
related things. It is officially the start of my 9th month of
pregnancy! These past 8 months have FLOWN by and I can’t believe how close I am
to meeting Michael for the very first time. I get emotional just thinking about
the first time I lay my eyes on him; I absolutely cannot wait for that day. I
know he still needs to spend time growing before he makes his grand entrance,
but I wish he would just hurry up!
I’m still experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions which are
becoming increasingly uncomfortable, but so far nothing has been painful or
cause for worry. My back is still super sore and tired, but there’s nothing I
can really do about that. Standing longer than 3 minutes isn’t fun at all. I
feel enormous pressure on my lower back and pelvis and feel like my bottom half
weighs 500 pounds. Because of this, I am officially rocking the pregnancy
waddle. If I’m not careful with what I eat, I’ll get pretty bad heartburn at
night – worst feeling and it keeps me up for a while. My feet don’t really
swell unless its really hot out and I’m on my feet. As soon as I elevate them,
they got back to normal. Michael kicks ALL THE TIME. He never stops moving and
while its really annoying at times, I would much rather have him as a mover and
a shaker than worrying about lack of movement.
Setting aside all of that, this week was extremely eventful.
Tuesday was my 22nd birthday, and while it was pretty low key, I couldn’t
have asked for anything better. I spent it with my family and then with my best
friend. Birthdays used to be much more exciting, but I still thank God for
another year of life and look forward to many more. Favorite present = gift
card for a couple of massages at Massage Envy courtesy of David :) I booked a
90 min massage right away and went for that on Wednesday. Probably the most
relaxing 90 minutes in the last 8 months – it was absolutely amazing. That
night was the start of the arrival of friends and family for the baby shower.
Chris and Liz got into town on Wed, Laura T on Thurs, Laura A on Friday and
Kristin and Lauren on Saturday morning. Truly special friends I have that would
make the trip to NY from far away. I love them all :) We had a full house but
it was absolutely amazing and so much fun!
Saturday was the day I had been waiting for for quite some
time now – my baby shower! My mom was the main event planner and Chris and Liz
helped with making everything perfect! It was such a fabulous day and really
made me realize how blessed, loved and supported I am by so many people in my
life. I am so grateful to each and every one of them for coming and spending
the day with me celebrating Michael. My mom did an absolutely amazing job
planning and setting everything up and it was beautiful. The baby shower was
held in our backyard and had a sort of garden theme- very cute. David, Michael
and I were blessed with pretty much everything we could possibly need for
Michael (at least for the first year or so!) I was surrounded by my best
friends (some couldn’t come, but they were there in spirit), my family, my new
family and I wouldn’t have had it any other way! After the shower, we were able
to relax in the pool at Chris and Liz’s hotel which was the perfect ending to
an amazing day.
Today my mom and I took Chris and Liz to the hospital where
I’ll be delivering so they could all see the maternity ward and labor rooms.
Afterwards we had lunch and said goodbye. Hard to imagine that the next time I’ll
see them, little Michael will have arrived! This afternoon my mom and I began
the (exciting) task of sorting through everything I was given. It took quite a
long time but it was fun and I got a chance to really look at everything I received.
The diaper /wipes raffle was a success so I think I’ll be set in that
department for at least a few months. I’m going to be spending the rest of this
week organizing, doing laundry and putting everything away. Not to mention, I’ll
be writing thank you cards as well. I also started packing my hospital bags –
mine and the diaper bag. Once those are complete, I’ll write a little post
about what I put inside each of them. I also started packing my more permanent
diaper bag- I can’t believe how quickly that thing can fill up! You don’t
really realize how much you need until you start packing. It’s kind of insane…or
maybe I’m insane and putting way too much in it. We’ll see.
This week I have my 36 week doctor’s appointment and a
meeting with a potential pediatrician. The interviews have officially started
and I still need to come up with a solid list of questions so I can make a
sound and concrete decision about who my little boy’s doctor will be. I’ll post
that up when I get the chance. In the mean time, I am now just playing the
waiting game! This Saturday will be 37 weeks and I’ll be considered full-term.
He could really arrive at any time which makes me both very excited but also
quite nervous!
To do list:
Make appointments with prospective pediatricians
Clean out bedroom closet; make room for more baby stuff
Wash baby clothes, blankets, sheets, bibs, etc
Buy remaining items needed for hospital and diaper bag
Finish packing hospital and diaper bag
Purchase remaining items on registry
Finish organizing all the gifts from the baby shower
Buy remaining small items for the nursery
Purchase and write thank you cards
To do list:
Wash baby clothes, blankets, sheets, bibs, etc
Buy remaining items needed for hospital and diaper bag
Finish packing hospital and diaper bag
Purchase remaining items on registry
Finish organizing all the gifts from the baby shower
Buy remaining small items for the nursery
Purchase and write thank you cards
How your baby's growing:
Your baby is still packing on the pounds at the rate of about an ounce a day. He now weighs about 6 pounds, the size of a crenshaw melon and is more than 18.5 inches long. Your baby is shedding most of the downy hair that covered his body as well as the vernix caseosa - a waxy substance that protects the skin during its nine month bath in amniotic fluid. Your baby swallows these substances along with other secretions and they form a tar-like black substance called meconium which your baby passes in his first bowel movements. At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full term (37-42 weeks) Most likely he is in a head down position. If not, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an external cephalic version - coaxing the baby into a head down position by manipulating him from the outside of your belly.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Week 35 - 5 weeks to go!
Countdown: 2 days till my 22nd birthday, 6 days till my baby shower, 33 days till baby Michael arrives!
How far along: 35 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: At least weeks doctor's appointment I had gained a total of 19 pounds. According to her, its pretty much all entirely boob and stomach weight...I don't know how comforting that is, although the prospect of losing all the weight within a few weeks of birth is what is keeping my spirits up. Let's hope after this weekend, I won't have gained too many extra lbs.

Total weight gain: At least weeks doctor's appointment I had gained a total of 19 pounds. According to her, its pretty much all entirely boob and stomach weight...I don't know how comforting that is, although the prospect of losing all the weight within a few weeks of birth is what is keeping my spirits up. Let's hope after this weekend, I won't have gained too many extra lbs.
Maternity clothes?: Yup.
Stretch marks?: Nothing! Praying that it stays that way! I thought I saw my first mark the other day and was on the verge of tears, but then I realized it was a scratch mark, probably from one of my cats and all was well in the world again.
Belly button, in or out?: Out and about
Sleep: My body is officially training me for the baby. I wake up every two hours like clockwork to go pee. I can't honestly remember the last time I got a full night of uninterrupted sleep...sigh...
Cravings: nothing specific really...
Showing yet?: Yea although most people are shocked to know I'm nearly 9 months pregnant. Apparently I look like I'm only 6 or 7.
Happy or Moody?: Happy! Baby has dropped, baby shower is this weekend which means all my favorite people will be here with me and birthday is this week as well!
Belly button, in or out?: Out and about
Sleep: My body is officially training me for the baby. I wake up every two hours like clockwork to go pee. I can't honestly remember the last time I got a full night of uninterrupted sleep...sigh...
Cravings: nothing specific really...
Showing yet?: Yea although most people are shocked to know I'm nearly 9 months pregnant. Apparently I look like I'm only 6 or 7.
Happy or Moody?: Happy! Baby has dropped, baby shower is this weekend which means all my favorite people will be here with me and birthday is this week as well!
Movement: Moving more than ever it feels like. As I type, he is currently kicking while hiccuping so my whole stomach is moving.
Best moment this week: Finally figuring out and knowing that baby had dropped. The end is near!
Things I miss: Walking without waddling, sleeping through the night, being back pain free!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: This whole week and this weekend!
Due Date: August 11th
I am practically too physically exhausted to properly update my blog, so this will be a rather short posting. Small updates: I started a part time job this week! Crazy I know, but I really needed to get out of the house so a few days a week I am a hair salon receptionist. Just making some extra cash and keeping myself busy and distracted while I wait for the big day! Big updates: baby Michael has officially dropped! The doctor said he had at my appointment but I didn't really feel any different until this morning at church. I now feel enormous pressure down below, pee even more than before, have a bit of cramping (feels like period cramps) still have back pain, waddle around a lot more, but can breath a bit easier. My stomach also looks a lot lower than before...although I don't know if you can really tell that from the picture. This is all a good sign! It means things are progressing quite normally and in a few short weeks, we'll have a baby to hold! Unfortunately it also means things are going to be a bit uncomfortable for the next few weeks which sucks because I still have so much to do!!
To do list: (I'm probably forgetting a million things)
Make appointments with prospective pediatricians
Clean out my bedroom closet; make room for more baby stuff
Wash baby clothes, blankets, sheets, etc.
Buy remaining items needed for the hospital and diaper bag
Pack hospital bag
Pack diaper bag
Hang elephants and picture frame on wall
Purchase whatever remains on the registry after the baby shower
Get the house ready for 487694867 million guests this weekend
Buy thank you cards
I'm not sure how I physically plan on getting all of this done...any normal person could probably do it all in a day. I'm pathetic..Oh well, hopefully nesting kicks in hardcore and full force so I get super motivated and energized!
Best moment this week: Finally figuring out and knowing that baby had dropped. The end is near!
Things I miss: Walking without waddling, sleeping through the night, being back pain free!
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: This whole week and this weekend!
Due Date: August 11th
I am practically too physically exhausted to properly update my blog, so this will be a rather short posting. Small updates: I started a part time job this week! Crazy I know, but I really needed to get out of the house so a few days a week I am a hair salon receptionist. Just making some extra cash and keeping myself busy and distracted while I wait for the big day! Big updates: baby Michael has officially dropped! The doctor said he had at my appointment but I didn't really feel any different until this morning at church. I now feel enormous pressure down below, pee even more than before, have a bit of cramping (feels like period cramps) still have back pain, waddle around a lot more, but can breath a bit easier. My stomach also looks a lot lower than before...although I don't know if you can really tell that from the picture. This is all a good sign! It means things are progressing quite normally and in a few short weeks, we'll have a baby to hold! Unfortunately it also means things are going to be a bit uncomfortable for the next few weeks which sucks because I still have so much to do!!
To do list: (I'm probably forgetting a million things)
Clean out my bedroom closet; make room for more baby stuff
Wash baby clothes, blankets, sheets, etc.
Buy remaining items needed for the hospital and diaper bag
Pack hospital bag
Pack diaper bag
Hang elephants and picture frame on wall
Purchase whatever remains on the registry after the baby shower
Get the house ready for 487694867 million guests this weekend
Buy thank you cards
I'm not sure how I physically plan on getting all of this done...any normal person could probably do it all in a day. I'm pathetic..Oh well, hopefully nesting kicks in hardcore and full force so I get super motivated and energized!
How your baby's growing:
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that he's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds, like a honeydew melon. Because it's so snug in your womb, he isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times he kicks should remain about the same. His kidneys are fully developed now, and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete — he'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Cleaning products
I'm not sure if "nesting" has kicked in full force or if I'm just realizing that my due date is a month away, but I decided that now would be as good a time as ever to start cleaning all the clothes and blankets I have received in preparation for baby's arrival. From all the reading I have done (plus some common sense) I realize that baby's have very sensitive skin so it's important to wash anything that comes into contact with their skin with very safe and gentle detergent. Setting aside the fact that my mom has always been a fan of "all natural" and "organic" products, with all the chemicals in our daily cleaning products (not to mention - food!) I definitely wanted to go the safe route and get something that would be healthy and safe for little Michael.
I made a trip to Babies R Us with mom to check out what they had in stock and discovered BabyGanics. I had heard someone mention it before but never really looked into it. I decided to pick up some of their products and then do some research once I got home. They advertised as being "naturally safe & gentle" and didn't contain any synthetic ingredients and I could always return them, so why not? I got the laundry detergent, dryer sheets and diaper cream (hiney helper). The information I found on them was great! Here is a link to their website - BabyGanics. Barefoot Mommies did a review of their products here which I found extremely helpful. Simply put - BabyGanics products are natural and organic, non toxic and free of harsh chemicals, do not contain pollutants or any caustic ingredients, have no fillers or dyes and are VOC free! Not to mention they are safe for people, pets and the environment. I think I found a winner!
I'll do a review of their products once I use them, which will be soon, but so far the only complaint I have (which I read in some online reviews) is that the laundry detergent, while it is unscented, smells quite strongly, and isn't very pleasant. However, I also read that the smell is no longer present once the clothes are done washing...just when you smell the detergent in the bottle directly. We shall see. I also got the diaper rash cream, as I'm starting to pack my hospital bag & diaper bag, but I won't know how that turns out until after he's born!
Simply put, BabyGanics has me sold on their products even though I have yet to test them. I am excited to try out what I have bought so far and in the future I plan on purchasing and trying some of their other home and baby products!

I'll do a review of their products once I use them, which will be soon, but so far the only complaint I have (which I read in some online reviews) is that the laundry detergent, while it is unscented, smells quite strongly, and isn't very pleasant. However, I also read that the smell is no longer present once the clothes are done washing...just when you smell the detergent in the bottle directly. We shall see. I also got the diaper rash cream, as I'm starting to pack my hospital bag & diaper bag, but I won't know how that turns out until after he's born!
Simply put, BabyGanics has me sold on their products even though I have yet to test them. I am excited to try out what I have bought so far and in the future I plan on purchasing and trying some of their other home and baby products!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Week 34 - 6 weeks to go!
Countdown: 9 days till my 22nd birthday, 13 days till my baby
shower, 40 days till baby Michael arrives!
How far along: 34 weeks
1 day
Total weight gain: Not entirely sure as of right now, but I’ll find out on Tuesday at my next appointment! I probably gained another 2 or 3 pounds. Ugh.

Total weight gain: Not entirely sure as of right now, but I’ll find out on Tuesday at my next appointment! I probably gained another 2 or 3 pounds. Ugh.
Maternity clothes?: Yes
although in this heat I would rather be naked.
Stretch marks?: Nada!
Shocking because my stomach feels HUGE.
Belly button, in or out?: Out and about
Sleep: Hard to fall asleep with the heat, back pain, cats, small bladder, kicking baby, inability to breathe, sore stomach muscles…etc.
Cravings: Brownies. I went back to Panera and got one the other night. It was AMAZING.
Showing yet?: Yep. I’m officially absolutely enormous.
Happy or Moody?: Happy! Laura is here, mom comes home tomorrow night, I’m a happy girl! Although the heat is making me quite unhappy…sweaty and miserable mostly.
Belly button, in or out?: Out and about
Sleep: Hard to fall asleep with the heat, back pain, cats, small bladder, kicking baby, inability to breathe, sore stomach muscles…etc.
Cravings: Brownies. I went back to Panera and got one the other night. It was AMAZING.
Showing yet?: Yep. I’m officially absolutely enormous.
Happy or Moody?: Happy! Laura is here, mom comes home tomorrow night, I’m a happy girl! Although the heat is making me quite unhappy…sweaty and miserable mostly.
Movement: Still moving
like crazy – I read somewhere that this week is usually when most babies will
turn in preparation for delivery (head down feet up) sooo I’m hoping it happens
soon; I’d rather not have a breach baby!
Best moment this week: Hanging out with the girls in NYC! Reunion of the triplet trip + Melanie!
Things I miss: Being in non-pregnant shape. I hate getting easily tired, hate feeling fat and unattractive, hate peeing every 5 minutes, hate not fitting into my regular clothes, wah wah wah.
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: Baby shower!! So many of my favorite people will be here and I cannot wait to see them all!!
Due Date: August 11th
Your baby now weighs about 4 ¾ pounds, like the average
cantaloupe, and is almost 18 inches long. His fat layers, which help regulate
his body temperature once he’s born – is filling out, making him rounder. His
skin is also smoother than ever. His central nervous system is maturing and his
lungs are continuing to mature as well. If you’ve been nervous about preterm
labor, you’ll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who
have no other health problems, generally do fine. They may need a short stay in
the neonatal nursery and may have a few short term health issues, but in the
long run, they usually do as well as full term babies.
Best moment this week: Hanging out with the girls in NYC! Reunion of the triplet trip + Melanie!
Things I miss: Being in non-pregnant shape. I hate getting easily tired, hate feeling fat and unattractive, hate peeing every 5 minutes, hate not fitting into my regular clothes, wah wah wah.
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: Baby shower!! So many of my favorite people will be here and I cannot wait to see them all!!
Due Date: August 11th
This week just flew by…I feel like I just updated my blog! And I can't believe I'm already at 34 weeks. I'm nearly in my 9th month. Yikes! Well
in terms of being pregnant, this month is definitely going to be kind of rough,
especially if it continues to be 100 degrees every day. Let me just say that
being 8 months pregnant in this heat is absolutely brutal. It makes me feel
even bigger and fatter than I am; my feet are starting to swell a little bit
and I have the worst hot flashes. The only thing I can really do is
periodically stand in a cold shower and just rinse off to cool down, put my
feet in cold water, put ice packs on my neck and drink cold water or tea. Other
than that, I suffer. I don’t remember if I mentioned this in my previous post,
but my stupid arm rash is back. I have concluded that it is definitely a cat
allergy; I can’t understand why it completely disappeared in DC and instantly
came back when I got home. Its just SOO itchy and I look like a leper.
My back
is still killing me and my stomach muscles are really sore, especially up top right smack in the middle. Hard to explain the exact location, but it kind of hurts. I also pulled a stomach muscle last week while rolling over to get up off the couch, so that has been pretty sore as well. I know I should be enjoying every minute but I'm kind of tired of being pregnant. I'm so ready for Michael to pop out!
I made a really delicious dinner this week that I personally think was quite healthy! It consisted of swiss chard, sweet italian sausage, basil, onion, garlic and other seasonings all over spaghetti. So delicious and I was happy to be able to use the swiss chard from the garden. Check out this picture - YUM!
Update: my stroller arrived! I know that pretty much everyone who reads this is friends with me and saw the picture on facebook, but it is so perfect that I need to post another picture on here. I can't wait to use it and once I do I'll be sure to give it fabulous reviews (hopefully). The color is what really got me hooked. Blue is my favorite color and this shade of blue was just perfect. It's the 2012 edition, so this guy is fresh off the conveyor belt. I HIGHLY recommend it. I'm not biased, I swear. Thanks again to Chris/Grandma Mimi who got this for her little grandson Michael!
This weekend was a Laura(s) + Fiona reunion in NYC. I'm so happy I got to see them! Laura T is still here staying with me even though she'll be back in just 10 days for the baby shower! I decided to take her to a nearby mountain that I (used to) hike where the view is absolutely amazing. It was brutally hot so we didn't stay long but I really cannot wait to be back there and hike the trails with Michael as soon as he's big enough. Check out this fabulous view!
In other news, I got a job! Part time of course, and really only for the next month or so, but I'm so happy to get out of the house for a few hours during the day and make a little cash. The one thing I really hate is being idle and this is going to help keep me busy and help the time pass a little faster while I wait for Michael to arrive! My family is also currently in the process of redoing the outside of our house completely - siding, doors, deck, paint, gutters, the whole 9 yards. I'm getting super excited for everything to be completed as my house has pretty much looked the same since my parents bought it 18 years ago. I'm just hoping that most of it gets done before the baby shower....eesh. Either way, I've had a hand in helping to pick out the paint for the doors, siding and shutters; its gonna look goood!
How your baby’s growing:

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