How far along: 30 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 13 lbs? - I'll find out for sure tomorrow at my next appointment
Maternity clothes?: Still wearing them..although today it is freezing out so I bundled up in sweats
Stretch marks?: Nothing...phew
Belly button, in or out?: Out and about.
Sleep: For some reason I haven't been able to fall asleep early like I used I'm back to going to sleep around 1130 or 12 and waking up around 9 or 930. Kind of annoying..Also, I'm officially at the point where I can't lay on my back without feeling like I'm dizzy and suffocating. The baby must be squishing some major arteries. And then when I lay on my side, he won't stop kicking me and bouncing around...nothing is very comfortable for him or I anymore.
Cravings: Back to craving chocolate...nooo!
Showing yet?: Yep, now people just comment on my pregnancy without hesitation rather than ask if I am pregnant or not.
Happy or Moody?: Happy! Time is still flying and I'm still having fun :)
Movement: Alllll the timeeee. I don't think he ever sleeps. He also gets the hiccups pretty frequently.
Best moment this week: Finding out I was accepted to grad school! woohoo! I didn't take that stupid GRE for nothing!
Things I miss: DC, eating without suffering from indigestion, sitting without excruciating back pain, sleeping without feeling like I'm suffocating
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: My baby shower! All my friends will be here celebrating w me, August - for little Michael to arrive!
Due Date: August 11th
In terms of pregnancy symptoms, I just have super bad middle back pain which makes it extremely uncomfortable to sit any longer than about 10 minutes without having to walk around or change fun. The heartburn is all gone, mostly because I'm just way more careful with what I eat and when I eat it. The anemia and all accompanying symptoms have pretty much diminished with all the iron supplements I have been taking. I was even feeling strong enough to go hiking and play tennis this week! Both of which felt amazing to do...although that night I was pretty exhausted and could barely move. Additionally, my hip and pelvic bones are shifting right now to be able to accommodate baby in a couple of months, so that's been super achey. Kinda feels like someone kicked me in the crotch bone.
This week wasn't super eventful, but I did get a lot done. I found out I was accepted to graduate school which is pretty awesome because I really didn't think I would get into the program I applied to. Now, I'm just a little worried about the start of classes and I'm hoping and praying that baby Michael arrives early so that I have more than enough time to recover before going back to school. Thankfully, I'll only be going to class 1 day a week for a few hours, but still...I went to the orientation meeting on Wed. and met the director of my program. I am sooo excited and I can't wait to start! While I was in the city, I also got to quickly meet up with Tricia whom I haven't seen in about a year! Hands down, she is one of my longest friends...since we were 5 years old. Can't wait to see her again, hopefully before my shower!
On Friday, I also got to see my even longer longtime friend Krystle and her little baby girl! She moved so I haven't gotten to see her in a while, but she drove up for the day and we had a fabulous time catching up. On saturday, DC friend Lauren happened to be in town for a friends grad party, so we got to spend saturday night together and had an awesome time! She'll also be back in town for the shower in july!
When Krystle was here, I took her to the local kids/baby consignment store (best place EVER) and I think its safe to say, she loved it. However, everytime I'm there, I can't resist buying a little outfit or piece of clothing for baby Michael...I'm such a pushover but the clothes are sometimes wayyyy too cute to pass up. For some reason, I always seem to fall for the overalls...something about mini overalls and how freakin cute they are! Check out some of the ones I got:
Side note: I've really been craving home made pizza all week, so I decided to make some! I made the dough, let it rise for a few hours, and made an amazing margarita type pizza. I put pesto, tomato, garlic, mozzarella, pepper and sprinkled on some gruyere cheese. 15 minutes later- voila! The picture below is what it looked like before I stuck it in the oven.
How your baby's growing:

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