Countdown: 13 days till my 22nd birthday, 17 days till my baby shower, 44 days till baby Michael arrives!
How far along: 33 weeks
4 days
Total weight gain: At my Dr. appt last week I had gained 2 lbs! So now I’m at 15 lb total weight gain. My next appt is this coming Tuesday so we’ll see if I’ve packed on any more lbs after this weekend in DC. Gahhh
Total weight gain: At my Dr. appt last week I had gained 2 lbs! So now I’m at 15 lb total weight gain. My next appt is this coming Tuesday so we’ll see if I’ve packed on any more lbs after this weekend in DC. Gahhh
Maternity clothes?: Yup!
Stretch marks?: I’m
still safe and still slathering on lotion and oil to keep those bad boys away.
Belly button, in or out?: Out. I’ve gotten used to seeing it through my clothes..
Sleep: Sleep has been way better lately, although now I’m back home and the silly cats sit outside my room meowing until I get up and go feed them and let them out…at 5am. I don’t think there is any hope of me getting perfect sleep before baby arrives.
Cravings: Nothing weird as of right now, who knows if something will come up randomly later.
Showing yet?: More than ever although everyone tells me (even people I don’t know) that I’m “really small” for 8 months pregnant. From the way Michael kicks me, he sure doesn’t seem small.
Happy or Moody?: Happy! I am so looking forward to my baby shower and baby Michael’s arrival. And this weekend the Laura’s will be in town!
Belly button, in or out?: Out. I’ve gotten used to seeing it through my clothes..
Sleep: Sleep has been way better lately, although now I’m back home and the silly cats sit outside my room meowing until I get up and go feed them and let them out…at 5am. I don’t think there is any hope of me getting perfect sleep before baby arrives.
Cravings: Nothing weird as of right now, who knows if something will come up randomly later.
Showing yet?: More than ever although everyone tells me (even people I don’t know) that I’m “really small” for 8 months pregnant. From the way Michael kicks me, he sure doesn’t seem small.
Happy or Moody?: Happy! I am so looking forward to my baby shower and baby Michael’s arrival. And this weekend the Laura’s will be in town!
Movement: Constant.
The other night I was laying on my side and he kicked me so hard that I jumped
up. It wasn’t painful but it really caught me by surprise!
Best moment this week: Spending time with Michael’s dad’s side of the family and seeing Laura, Jules and Fanny in DC! It was nice getting out of New York for a few days and being back down in DC/VA. I absolutely love it down there. I wish I could transport my family and friends there so I could be surrounded by the most important people in my life in one of the best places in the US.
Things I miss: Being able to sit up without rolling over first…I feel like a whale.
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: This weekend, my birthday, baby shower, Michael’s arrival!
Due Date: August 11th
Best moment this week: Spending time with Michael’s dad’s side of the family and seeing Laura, Jules and Fanny in DC! It was nice getting out of New York for a few days and being back down in DC/VA. I absolutely love it down there. I wish I could transport my family and friends there so I could be surrounded by the most important people in my life in one of the best places in the US.
Things I miss: Being able to sit up without rolling over first…I feel like a whale.
Gender: BOY!
Looking forward to: This weekend, my birthday, baby shower, Michael’s arrival!
Due Date: August 11th
I’m super late in updating for week 33, but I got back into
New York yesterday so I decided to just relax for the night and take up
blogging today. Pregnancy symptom wise, the back pain I’ve been experiencing
has been getting worse and worse to the point where sitting, standing and
walking are all pretty painful. I went for a massage on Monday to try to ease
the pain, but it didn’t really end up helping all that much. I also seem to get
stressed a lot easier which I’ll attribute to the all my raging hormones along
with some other factors. I think that traveling down to DC/VA proved to be a
bit much for me since I was up to something pretty much every day. I’m happy
now to just be home and able to relax in my own bed with my little kitties here
to keep me company! The end of the weekend before I left proved to be
especially stressful for me and I was having some pretty intense Braxton Hicks
contractions to the point where I was convinced I was possibly going into
labor. Thankfully that was not the case, but the contractions didn’t really
stop until this morning.
with the contractions, Michael was moving around like crazy; I think he could
tell I was under a lot of stress. Hopefully now because I’m more relaxed, he
will also calm down a bit. The rash that I had on my arm got really really bad
to the point where I called my doctor, but I slathered it in calomine lotion
twice a day with a cold water treatment and it eventually dried up. However, I
think that I finally found the root cause – cat dander. The rash dried up after
I stopped handling the cats and when I was in DC, and this morning it
reappeared after I had picked up the cats a few times to cuddle them. I looked
it up online and apparently it’s possible to develop weird allergies when
pregnant. Sad because I love my cats!
This weekend the Lauras are coming to New York and we'll be spending the weekend in the city doing touristy things...cant wait! In the meantime, I think I'm just going to be cleaning the house and sorting baby clothes as I was given yet another bag of clothes for Michael! This baby is so blessed. He pretty much has everything he could possibly need and I'm sure that after the shower, I'll have more than enough for him! I really cannot wait for my little prince to arrive.
How your baby’s growing:
This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (a
pineapple)and has passed the 17 inch mark. He’s rapidly losing that wrinkled,
alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren’t fused
together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier
for him to fit through the birth canal. These bones don’t entirely fuse until
early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during
infancy and childhood.
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