Finally got around to starting a blog about my pregnancy! The past few weeks have been a bit stressful trying to plan out the next few months of my life, but nevertheless, I am super excited and all I want to do is talk about it, therefore scrap booking and blogging are good alternatives to boring people with my relentless "baby talk."
I know I'm starting a little late, but better late than never! Ultrasound above is from a;most 2 weeks ago, 11weeks, 5 days Looks like a little human rather than a peanut!
How far along: 13 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 2 lbs
Maternity clothes?: Not yet, yoga pants and loose shirts mostly
Stretch marks?: No, thank God!
Belly button, in or out?: In
Sleep: Really hard to fall asleep, lots of tossing and turning
Cravings: Blueberries, green apples, Laughing Cow cheese
Showing yet?: Small bump, looks like a food baby rather than an actual baby
Happy or Moody?: Happy!
Movement: None yet, although baby had the hiccups at the last ultrasound. Too bad I couldn't feel him/her moving around :(
Best moment this week: Telling my Army friends I was pregnant; they were all so excited and happy for me!
Things I miss: Beer. Today is Superbowl Sunday, the Giants are playing and I'm drinking milk. Wah!!
Gender: No idea yet...find out in March
Looking forward to: Finding out if Baby is a girl or a boy!
I'm going for most mentions!