Monday, September 10, 2012

1 Month

Happy 1 month Birthday Michael!
It’s hard to believe that 1 month ago, today, I was getting ready to give birth to the most beautiful baby boy. Time is flying by and it’s blowing my mind! I look forward to so many more weeks, months, and years with my little man- just watching him grow up to be absolutely amazing in every way. Being a mom is pretty exhausting but extremely rewarding. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

David came up to visit Labor Day Weekend, and we all had a great time together. M got to bond with his daddy and loved sleeping on his chest and wearing matching Redskins gear. Michael also had a couple of big outings, on which he was very well behaved. Soon enough we’ll all be seeing each other much more often – more Daddy & M time to come!

Now that I’m feeling a lot better and more recovered, I have discovered how much work I have to do on myself. Today, Monday, is Day 1 of whipping my butt back into shape. I gave myself 1 month of recovery time and I think it’s time for me to buckle down and slowly regain all the strength, muscle and endurance I lost. Weight-wise, 1 month later…I went from weighing 143 to 116 – less than when I first got preggo.  Woohoo! Now it’s all about toning up. I also need to tan. I’m soooo pale. Yuck. Next, I need to shop for some new clothes. Let’s just say my hips got a bit wider pushing out a baby and all so now my super skinny, skinny jeans are history. Boo.

I may have spoken too soon during my last post when I said that M never cries…hmph. He is certainly developing his own little personality and crying so happens to be a part of it. Not surprising, as afterall, he is but a baby. He is generally in a good mood, although I am discovering that he really doesn’t like being put down by himself.  When he isn’t napping, I find myself snuggling with and feeding him for the majority of the day. Setting aside his bouts of fussiness, he is usually very easy to please and like any baby, loves being held. He likes to sit in his swing and just observe everyone around him, wide eyed and intrigued. When he has had enough, he lets us know. He is certainly not shy about vocalizing.

I started reading “Happiest Baby on the Block” by Dr. Karp, and his “5 S’s” method, has become a total lifesaver in helping Michael get to sleep without needing to nurse or be in my arms first. I won’t get into the details of the book, but anyone with an infant should make it a priority to get this book. I promise that you will sleep better at night!

Michael is a CHAMP when it comes to feeding. He loves to eat, and can easily switch back and forth from bottle to breast – no nipple confusion whatsoever. We have kept with the routine of giving him one bottle a day in order to help him practice taking a bottle and it is working perfectly. He sometimes tries to hold the bottle with his little fists on either side of it. So cute! I guess the only problem he has in this department is that sometimes he is so hungry and so excited to eat that he can’t relax well enough to latch on perfectly on the first try. Other than that, 90% of the time, his latch is right on. The amount he can eat is also rather impressive. Nursing, I’m not quite sure how much he gets, as he eats until he is full, but bottle feeding, the most I’ve given him in one sitting is 7oz! Wow. Little glutton…!

He still eats on a schedule of about every 3 hours now, to include nights. The stretches are occasionally longer depending on how long he decides to nap for. I don’t wake him up, I’m still feeding him on demand which just so happens to be around every 3 hours or so. Thing is, once he lets me know that he’s hungry, I better hurry up and feed him within minutes or else he gets quite upset -_- Thankfully though, the growth spurt is over, for now, so no more cluster feeding at night! I finally get to sleep a little! Next growth spurt is around 6 weeks…sigh…

Again, reading the book by Dr. Karp has proved to be a total lifesaver in the sleeping department. While he was never a bad sleeper, he would often fight sleep throughout the day and then be over tired and just unable to sleep at all. Swaddling him up, putting him in the swing and turning on some white noise, gets him to sleep within minutes. It’s amazing to see! We only follow this method during the day. At night, we have found that giving him his bath, followed by a feeding, swaddling him up and putting him in his bassinet, he will fall asleep right away. He’s still young, so he sleeps a lot, not to mention, he is growing at a rapid rate! His big naps are in the afternoon for 3-4 hour stretches. He is most awake in the mornings from about 7am to 11am and in the evenings from about 5-8pm. At all other times, he will awake randomly, eat, look around, and go back to sleep.


Height: 22 in
Weight: 7lb 4oz

9 days
Height: 22.25 in
Weight: 7lb 13oz

17 days
Height: 22.5 in
Weight: 9lb

27 days
Height: 23.25 in
Weight: 10 lb 4 oz

1 month
Height: 23.25 in
Weight: 11 lb

He is still a perfectly healthy little baby. He poops all.the.time. Big, loud, obnoxious, smelly farts, sharts, etc. Yuck. He will occasionally have the hiccups, but they go away pretty quickly. He is growing super fast and gaining lots of weight. At his 1 mo appointment, doctor and nurse were impressed with his rapid growth! All good things :) His next appointment will consist of his first vaccinations…probably won’t be a very fun visit.

His first official social smile took place on Sept. 7th. He spent the whole day just responding to us when we smiled at him, tickled him, made funny noises…he loved it! Now he smiles at us all the time! I have yet to snap a picture of it though. He is still doing tummy time every day, and is constantly getting stronger. He can hold his head and most of his upper body up by pushing with his arms. Very impressive. He has made some very small attempts at rolling over, but nothing too solid yet. We’ll see what happens with that.

With all the eating this little guy has been doing, he can no longer fit into NB size clothes, and 0-3 month clothes are getting to be a bit snug. He is in that in between faze where the 0-3 are barely fitting, but the 3 mo sizes are still a tad big. He has so many cute outfits in that size; I can’t wait for him to fit into them! (Onesies are getting kind of boring) Diaper wise, he graduated to Size 1 a couple of weeks ago, probably right after my last post. Those should continue fitting him for a while.

We’ve continued with all the activities I listed in my last post, but now he takes big boy baths in his little tub in the sink (which he LOVES). We have also ventured out of the house and to a few different places – Babies R Us, TJ Maxx, the mall, TCBY, the big park, petting farm, and another fro-yo place in town. He is generally really well behaved on outings as long as I’m armed with his paci, and as long as I’m ready to feed him. I pack his diaper bag with everything I could possibly need, resulting in a heavy bag. To keep curious people (and germs) away, I’ll cover up the carseat or stroller with a blanket. He usually just sleeps anyway. Yesterday, we were at a fro-yo place and I had to BF him in public as he got quite hungry. It wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be, and no one said anything to me or made any rude comments. Score!


Mastitis SUCKS! I have had it twice now and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Now, I’m just trying to get over a cold. Wahhh. I forget if I mentioned this in my last post, but I decided to post-pone Grad school for a few different reasons, and so far, I am quite happy with my decision. No regrets – I have the rest of my life to go back to school. 

My next update (provided I have the time) will be about our 1 month favorites - the items I and M could not live without during M's first month at home! Stay tuned :) 

1 comment:

  1. I am totally loving these updates and wish that I did them myself! I remember saying the same things about the crying when Grace was his age. I was like, wait, what happened to the baby who never cried? I thought I was so lucky. :'( I have read that their voice boxes are higher or something at that age. Probably to ensure that they are fed when they need to be. Hence the mirror-shattering newborn cries. I cannot believe that he polishes off 7 oz already! I was so lucky if Grace finished 4 oz! Not to mention, he's already half Grace's weight! So great.
