While our first month went by relatively quickly, there are some items that I definitely could not have done without - and would have made the month go by a bit slower. Even with all the previous experience I had with babies, I'm still learning every day and Michael keeps me on my toes. What's exciting is that these items will (for the most part) change every month! Can't wait to see what becomes indispensable for month 2!
Swing - (Bright Starts Ingenuity Swing) This contraption is essential to Michael's day time naps. We swaddle him up, turn on the swing, put on some of the nature sounds - ocean waves are his favorite - and within minutes he is asleep! It swings, vibrates, sings, has white noise, timers, etc. He also likes to just hang out in the swing if I'm doing something, and just look around and quietly observe. Love it!
Swaddle Wrap - (Summer Infant SwaddleMe) These are amazing if you have a strong little man who can easily break out of home made swaddles in ordinary blankets. I would swaddle him to put him to sleep in his bassinet, and would wake up to find him all unwrapped and probably feeling a little cold. These have velcro and are nice, soft fleece. He can't escape! Plus, you can pull down the bottom half to change a diaper without unswaddling completely. They're great for fall/winter weather.
Nursing Pads - (Medela Nursing Pads) What's worse than having your boobs leak in public? Nothing. It's extremely embarrassing and bound to happen if you are a breast feeding mother. These may be a little uncomfortable to wear, but will save you from that moment when your shirt has two wet spots on it. Trust me.
Boppy Pillow - (Boppy) Huge help when breastfeeding. Great for tummy time; comfortable lounger for baby. Overall, it is a great multi-use pillow.
Burp Cloths - (Babies R Us Burp Cloths) Can never have too many of these. Milk, spit up, snot, etc; they are absolutely necessary and easy to have handy to clean up all sorts of baby messes. If you don't feel like shedding out $6 for a pack of these, just cut up some old fabric - does the same job.
Water bottle - If you're nursing, you NEED one of these to just carry around with you to stay hydrated and keep up your milk supply. It's crazy how thirsty you get; I sometimes feel like I've been wandering the desert when I don't drink for an extended period of time.
Bathtime soaps/lotions - (Mustela Bathtime Essentials) Mustela is a French brand of amazing body products for adults and babies and smells fantastic! My mom used it for me when I was a baby. I primarily use the 2 in 1 hair and body wash, body lotion, face wipes and face lotion on little Michael. So far, he smells amazing and seems to like it.
Nightime nursing bra - (Medela Sleep Bra) Pretty much a soft, stretchy sports bra, but it is super comfy and extremely convenient for nursing. I got myself a whole ton of them.
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