Today starts week 20! I am officially halfway through my pregnancy! So crazy how fast this is all going. Not really too much to say about this week; the weather was gorgeous and therefore had a very positive effect on my mood :) My parents are awesome & got me train tickets to go home for Easter! First time going home since December, it feels like it's been forever. However, the amount of work I have to get done between now and then is gargantuan; not to mention I have hardly any time to get it all done considering I work everyday, have class from 10-5 today and tomorrow, and have training next Saturday, all day long. :( Ugh. I can't wait for this next week and a half to be OVER!Things I am super super excited about: Monday I get to finally find out the sex of the baby! Either way I'll be super happy, all I want is a healthy baby! I'm crossing my fingers that baby stays still long enough for us to accurately determine what's going on between those legs. I've heard stories where parents are told one gender and then in delivery, the doctor is like "surprise, you are actually having a boy, not a girl!" or vice versa. I love surprises but I don't know how I feel about that..Back home, my parents have been packing up a couple of the bedrooms and will be repainting them/getting new furniture. The larger of the two rooms will be mine & baby's for the first couple of months. As soon as I find out the gender I'm going to be picking some awesome color themes for the room and figuring out how I want to decorate/organize the room with the furniture I'll have. This is making me so anxious to go home and see how its all coming along! I've been trolling Ikea, Pottery Barn and other random store sites to find cute decoration ideas and relatively inexpensive furniture...aka I've been really distracted and should instead be doing my homework & writing my 30 page senior research paper!
While I was in the south of France, I went to the Sanary market (Sanary sur Mer, on the water, absolutely beautiful place - See pic above.) and walked around in the little streets. I came across the most adorable baby store and absolutely could not resist buying a few baby clothes items :D They would probably (definitely) look better on a little boy, but a girl could get away with wearing them. They are so typically French, I had to get them. There's a hat, 3 shirts, and a little sweater/jacket. Soo cute!
How far along: 20 weeks!
Total weight gain: Not totally sure, I think maybe about 5-7 pounds.
Maternity clothes?: Yup. Went to Target to get some shirts/tank tops as all of mine were turning into belly shirts; no bueno.
Stretch marks?: Nothing, woo! Still using the Almond Oil from L'Occitaine and need to order the anti-stretch mark Mustela cream that everyone raves about.
Belly button, in or out?: Flat flat flat.
Sleep: Sleeping great! Still going to bed at like 9pm every night, like a grandma.
Cravings: Tuna and red meat. Especially the tuna. So weird.
Showing yet?: 100% showing and it doesnt look like a food baby/beer belly anymore. Definitely looks like I'm preggers!
Happy or Moody?: Happy!
Movement: So much movement! This kid is so active! Last night I had a hard time falling asleep baby was kicking so much.
Best moment this week: The amazing weather DC has been having. Practically 80 degrees everyday!
Things I miss: France, my family, not having homework, etc. So ready for summer.
Gender: We'll find out for sure MONDAY!!!
Looking forward to: Finding out if Baby is a girl or a boy!!!
Due Date: August 11thNow, here are some updates in Baby's life:How your baby's growing:
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery). (- gross!)

This is a pic I found on Babycenter. com that shows that baby looks like at 20 weeks! Crazy to think that just a couple of months ago, baby didn't even look human!